M122: Responsible AI

  • Room: Grand G-K
  • Session Number:M122
Monday, July 18, 2022: 2:05 PM - 3:20 PM

Julia Stoyanovich
Co-Founder and Director of Center for Responsible AI, Associate Professor of Computer Science
Navrina Singh
AI Subject Matter Expert
Credo AI (Focuses on implementation of Responsible AI)
Taka Ariga
Chief Data Scientist, Dir. of Innovation Lab
Tina Kim
Deputy Comptroller for State Government Accountability
State Accountability Office of the New York State Comptroller


Responsible AI is a governance framework that addresses ethical and legal challenges related to the technology so that organizations can trust and scale AI with confidence. Join us to explore the framework and  understand it from implementation to checking compliance.

Key Take-aways

• Public sector AI systems have significant bearing on people’s lives — from managing hospital capacity and regulating traffic to the distribution of social and educational benefits; however, their use is questionable in areas of ethics, law, data governance and trust.
• AI sometimes produces decisions that fail to meet intended goals, which exposes organizations to risk and can cause harm to users and communities. Yet with proper design and implementation, AI can mitigate these risks and improve systems.

Learning Objectives

Understand the key principles of Responsible AI and how organizations can implement the framework with excellent results. Discover ways auditors can provide assurance related to Responsible AI.